JaRoD's Blog

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back again

Looong time since last... I now have a sappire Ati 4850 512MB graphics card and a intel 4300 cpu that's overclocked to 3Ghz and 4GB memory with about 3.4 available. Plenty fast for current games luckily so no real need for impoving/upgrading my rig. System Shock 2 and Bioshock are now on the top of of the list of my current favourite games. Stupidly enough they basically have the same story and gamplay ;P

I've also found a great other "blogger" that I really, really like! Spoony one and also a system shock 2 playthrough by ShephardReborn on impossible difficulty and with with what started out as crystal shard run but turned into no weapons at all playthrough. So far anyway :P

I should also mention that I've played through fallout 2 and 3 but not 1... Have to say 3 felt like a huge open world with lots of stuff to do and great graphics but it was really hard to find quests outside the main quest :( And it also seems like the engine doesn't like my current ati card at all, seems like it switches over to powersaving mode during zonechanges meaning it's suddenly 3 times slower that usual... Atleast the good thing is that the card is plenty fast in other games. At times I can even run at reduced speeds (about 1/3) when playing older games.

I've also found out that I like survival horror games. Really like system shock 2 and bioshock (like I mentioned before) but also really like dead space and have also played through resident evil 4 just weeks ago. Have also tried silent hill 3 and found the actress to be quite cute but I didn't enjoy the game otherwise. Was mostly a case of look at an enemy and you're dead... and lots of running around, got annoying after a bit. Playing it on a pc with not the best controls didn't really help either ;P

I should mention that when I type here I do a flowtype thingy meaning I type what pops into my brain. That does tend to mean that the text isn't always coherent and cronological but I hope all you guys/gals still get my babling. And if I forget something I do make another post to fill in the gaps.


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